LGBTQ+ Society

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All LGBTQ+ Activities Hosted

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Thursday Meeting!

Day Thursdays
From 17:00, to 19:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: D512, Burrin Building, SETU Carlow

Our meeting will be split over Friday and Thursday due to schedules. You can come whichever day or time makes the most sense for you. We will have a book of the month, movie screenings, boardgames and just general hangouts during this time. 

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Friday Meeting!

Day Fridays
From 12:00, to 15:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: D512, Burrin Buildings, SETU Carlow

Our meeting is split over Thursday and Friday due to peoples schedules. You can go to whichever is more convenient or just hop in for an hour. We will have book of the month, movie screenings, boardgames and general hangouts during this time.

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